Tag Archives: students

TSU launches academic eSports Center; 30 area school students kick off inaugural program

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (TSU News Service) – For the love of gaming, kids at a young age can flesh out their skills and get into the multibillion-dollar industry of video gaming, or eSports right here at Tennessee State University.

More than 30 students from the Metro Nashville area and surrounding counties were eager to learn about coding and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math)  programs as they were introduced to virtual reality applications, game design and coding at TSU’s first academic eSports event.

A young student tests skills at the virtual reality gaming event. (Photo by Aaron Grayson)

Students from Backfield In Motion, an academic after school program for students grades 1-12, cheered as they geared up for gaming and coding at the University’s Avon Williams Campus.

Dr. Robbie Melton, Assistance Vice President of the SMART Innovation Technology Center at TSU said the purpose of academic eSports and coding robotics is to take video gaming and pathway it into the University’s esteemed curriculum.

“We want them (students) to know that they can be gamers and also game makers, so we’re going to introduce game design, basic coding skills … as well as virtual and augmented reality,” Melton said. “Our goal is to take them from playing, into the world of coding.” 

Junior Ambassadors assist young gamers at the launching of the Academic eSports Center. (Photo by Aaron Grayson)

Upon arrival, the students had a virtual Q & A session with Jyden Mcbath-Spencer, a professional eSports NBA2K League player for the Brooklyn Nets, who talked about his career path and gaming experience.

The students then broke off into groups to begin their academic eSports day.

The first group of students enjoyed playing their favorite games in the eSports gaming area, while others were tasked to code a robotic ball that went through a maze.

The third group of students were in a virtual reality center that, “takes student into a virtual world so they can now … immerse themselves into the teaching and learning,” Melton said.

More than 30 area students participated in the one-day Academic eSports Center Summer Community Camp. (Photo: Aaron Grayson)

Dr. Effua Ampadu-Moss, director of TSU’s eSports program said the goal is to recruit students, graduate and have careers within the eSports industry.

TSU alum Micah Kimble Sr., Chief Operating Officer for Backfield In Motion, said he looks forward to what the center has in store for the students.

“I love bringing the students to my alma mater,” Kimble Sr., said. “They (students) get to see some of these great STEM careers that eSports has to offer … and it gives an opportunity for the kids to see something different.”

“I’m really excited for these kids. They will never forget this day.”

For more information on the TSU Academic eSports Center, visit https://www.tnstate.edu/hbcuc2/index.html

Department of Media Relations

Tennessee State University
3500 John Merritt Boulevard
Nashville, Tennessee 37209

Founded in 1912, Tennessee State University is Nashville’s only public university, and is a  premier, historically black university and land-grant institution offering 39 bachelor’s degree programs, 24 master’s degree programs, and seven doctoral degrees.  TSU is a comprehensive research intensive institution with a R-2 Carnegie designation, and has a graduate school on its downtown Avon Williams Campus, along with the Otis Floyd Nursery Research Center in McMinnville, Tennessee.  With a commitment to excellence, Tennessee State University provides students  with a quality education in a nurturing and innovative environment that prepares them as alumni to be global leaders in every facet of society. Visit the University online at tnstate.edu.

40th Annual Research Symposium Set For April 2—6

NASHVILLE (TSU News Service) – Tennessee State University students and researchers will showcase their cutting-edge research projects and inventions at the 40th Annual University-Wide Research Symposium April 2 – 6.

The symposium, which is largely composed of presentations from the science, engineering, business and humanities disciplines, will allow students to gain exposure and experience as either oral or poster presenters in an evaluative environment with external judges from the Mid-South region.

Dr. Michael Ivy, TSU associate professor of Neuroscience, and John Barfield, TSU director of engagement and visibility in the Division of Research and Institutional Advancement, serve as the co chairs of this year’s symposium which will feature abstracts from 174 students and 40 faculty members.

Barfield said the symposium is important because it prepares students for future research opportunities.

“When our students go to graduate school, they can go research-ready being able to prove that they already know how to do research and that they have worked in a research environment,” he said. “If they are graduate level students about to work on their doctorate then they will be able to show that they have mastered the rigor of being able to present research at an academic level.”

The theme for this year’s symposium is “Establishing a Culture of Research Excellence.”

Oral presentations will take place throughout the week in the Research and Sponsored Programs Building, Room 009, 163 and 209. Poster presentations will take place in the Jane Elliot Hall Auditorium on Thursday, April 5.

Dr. Patrice L. Jackson-Ayotunde, associate professor of Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore School of Pharmacy, will provide the keynote address on Friday, April 6 at noon in the Ferrell-Westbrook Complex, Room 118.

Jackson-Ayotunde, who has mentored several graduate, professional and undergraduate students, does extensive research around the treatment of drug-resistant epilepsy. Her laboratory works closely with the Epilepsy Therapy Screening Program (ETSP) at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Jackson was named Mentoring Institute for Neuroscience Diversity Scholar (MIND) for 2016-17 and the Emerging Scholar of 2015 by Diverse Issues in Higher Education.

Barfield said the symposium is open to the public. For more information about the 40th Annual University-Wide Research Symposium visit tnstate.edu/researchsymposium.


Department of Media Relations

Tennessee State University
3500 John Merritt Boulevard
Nashville, Tennessee 37209

About Tennessee State University

With more than 8,000 students, Tennessee State University is Nashville’s only public university, and is a comprehensive, urban, co-educational, land-grant university offering 38 bachelor’s degree programs, 25 master’s degree programs and seven doctoral degrees. TSU has earned a top 20 ranking for Historically Black Colleges and Universities according to U.S. News and World Report, and rated as one of the top universities in the country by Washington Monthly for social mobility, research and community service. Founded in 1912, Tennessee State University celebrated 100 years in Nashville during 2012. Visit the University online at tnstate.edu.

Gentrification In The Black Community, TSU Students Hold Forum To Address Issues

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (TSU News Service) – Tennessee State University students invite community leaders and neighborhood groups to take a closer look at gentrification and it’s impact on the black community.

Students will host the forum, Gentrification Across the Spectrum,  on Tuesday, Feb. 20 at the university’s Avon Williams Campus at 6 p.m. in Room 354. It will include the screening of NorthEast Passage, a 2002 documentary about gentrification in the black neighborhoods of Portland, Oregon. The screening will be followed by a panel discussion that will explore the effects of gentrification in Nashville and how residents in areas being negatively affected can take meaningful action.

Marie Baugh, a graduate student in the College of Public Service, said the students want to show how the process of gentrification impacts people.

Marie Baugh

“Being a millennial graduating post-recession, it’s hard to even qualify to get a home because depending on the neighborhood, the pricing, and the condition of the home, I just may not be eligible for it,” Baugh said. “Gentrification affects a lot of people directly and indirectly because you have neighborhoods being revitalized, and it may change the whole culture of the neighborhood.”

Baugh, a native of Decatur, Alabama who secured her bachelor’s degree in political science from TSU in 2008, said the forum will help people who have heard the term gentrification but are unsure about what it can do to a neighborhood.

Dr. Michael Harris, dean of the College of Public Service and a nationally syndicated columnist, said the event is important because gentrification is a national and international issue. Harris, who has done extensive research on gentrification, spoke about the issue in 2014 in Medellin, Columbia at the United Nations’ premiere conference on urban issues, World Urban Forum 7.

“We see so much economic development and so much growth here in Nashville, and the outcome is gentrification,” Harris said. “It means that people who do not have the means are pushed way out of town to the outskirts, and housing and housing affordability become a major question and issue.”

Dr. Michael Harris

Harris said the process significantly impacts minorities and lower income people. He said the solutions to issues surrounding gentrification must come from academics and practitioners.

“Gentrification is an outcome of the economic growth, and it really has to be addressed so minorities with low incomes can find affordable housing within Nashville,” he said.

Cornelius Swart, who co-produced and co-directed NorthEast Passage with his business partner Spencer Wolf, said since the release of the documentary in 2002, the effects gentrification has had on the once predominately-black community in Portland have been astronomical.

“Fifteen years later we see that the traditionally black neighborhoods have lost 50-60 percent of their black population,” he said. “It’s hard to say exactly how many, but even the folks who remain in the neighborhood often say they don’t feel comfortable going out in public, or they have very little reason to go out in public because old stores and public spaces are catered to the new white residents. So you now have a neighborhood that no longer feels like home for many of the people who grew up in the area.”

Swart advises residents in areas currently being gentrified to build partnerships and create stakeholders of people who are willing to invest long-term in the existing residents, as well as set up long-term protections for vulnerable residents, such as land trusts and other affordable home models.   He said residents should make sure the new investments coming in are not just for newcomers.

“For many years, I have been watching this issue unfold, and as the downsides become very apparent and as my understanding of the issue becomes more intricate, I feel an obligation to warn people about what is coming down the track.” he said.

Sponsored by the TSU College of Public Service, Gentrification Across the Spectrum grew out of the college’s desire to give students an opportunity to shape its premiere Black History Month event.

“They came up with the ideas and have been able to recruit people and make suggestions that I don’t think any of us faculty members would have ever had,” said Dr. Anthony Campbell, assistant professor of Public Administration in the College of Public Service.

Baugh, one of the event’s organizers, credits TSU with giving her a chance to grow, and become the person she is today.

“If it wasn’t for Tennessee State University accepting me as an undergraduate back in 2003, I’m not sure I would be able to even have the opportunities I have now,” she said. “Where I came from in Alabama there weren’t a lot of opportunities for little black girls like me. When I got the acceptance letter in the mail, I knew that it was my way out.”

Following the screening, a panel consisting of leaders from the public, private, nonprofit and grassroots sectors will discuss the impact gentrification is having on Nashville. Panelists include: Morgan Mansa, executive director of Metro Nashville’s Barnes Housing Trust; Tifinie Capehart, realtor with SilverPointe Properties; Hiram Brown, manager of strategic growth with Urban Housing Solutions; and Ruby Baker, president of the Bordeaux Hills Residential Association.

Campbell said he hopes the event will provide insight to help Nashville residents grapple with the many factors surrounding gentrification.

“We here at the colleges care about these issues and aren’t just exploring it from a purely academic standpoint,” he said. “We are trying to create a bigger dialogue so we can bring about positive change.”

For more information about Gentrification Across the Spectrum, contact Dr. Anthony Campbell at [email protected] or (615) 963-7098.


Department of Media Relations

Tennessee State University
3500 John Merritt Boulevard
Nashville, Tennessee 37209

About Tennessee State University

With more than 8,000 students, Tennessee State University is Nashville’s only public university, and is a comprehensive, urban, co-educational, land-grant university offering 38 bachelor’s degree programs, 25 master’s degree programs and seven doctoral degrees. TSU has earned a top 20 ranking for Historically Black Colleges and Universities according to U.S. News and World Report, and rated as one of the top universities in the country by Washington Monthly for social mobility, research and community service. Founded in 1912, Tennessee State University celebrated 100 years in Nashville during 2012. Visit the University online at tnstate.edu.

TSU Health Experts Urge Tennesseans To Get Flu Shot

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (TSU News Service) – If you’re still unsure about whether or not to get a flu shot, Tennessee State University researchers have a message for you: Stop thinking about it, and get one. This comes as the National Centers for Disease Control (CDC) observes the first week in December as National Influenza Week.

Dr. Wendelyn Inman, TSU Associate Professor of Public Health, Healthcare Administration and Health Sciences

“Most people think you get the flu, you just get sick, and you recover,” said Dr. Wendelyn Inman, TSU associate professor of Public Health, Healthcare Administration and Health Sciences. “That is true if you are relatively healthy. But it is important for us to be sure that, like in any group of people, most people are immunized so that the frail and fragile are not exposed to the flu and die from it.”

According to the CDC, people at high risk of developing flu-related complications include children younger than 5 (but especially children younger than 2 years old), adults 65 years of age and older, pregnant women, residents of nursing homes and other long-term care facilities, and American Indians and Alaskan Natives.

One popular misconception, said Inman, who teaches Epidemiology on the undergraduate and graduate levels, is that individuals actually contract the flu as a result of taking the vaccination. She said suspicions about taking the flu shot persist because many people remain unaware that infectious diseases have an incubation period.

“Let’s say you went to a cocktail party, and you got exposed. Then you go to the pharmacist to get the prescription on Monday, and you have flu symptoms on Friday. You’re going to think you got the flu from the flu shot,” she said. “Well, actually you didn’t get the flu from getting the flu shot. You got it from someone else. It’s the timing.”

Dr. Ivan Davis, TSU director of Student Health Services

Dr. Ivan Davis, TSU director of Student Health Services, said one of the most dangerous consequences of not getting a flu shot is that it can lead to pneumonia. He said even if the vaccination does not have the same strain of the virus, taking it usually makes the illness much milder. Instead of being five to seven days and protracted, he said the illness is “shortened by several days.”

Davis said it takes about four weeks for the immunity from the shot to “kick-in.” He said people are unable to get the illness from the vaccine because it contains a dead virus.

“The vaccination uses the genome, the nucleus of the virus, so there is no way you can get the flu from the shot. It’s not a live virus,” he said. “Even if you come down with a different strain, it has been proven that because you have had the shot, your chance of having a real bad infection is lessened.”

The exact timing and duration of flu season can vary extending from October through May, but most peak between December and February, according to the CDC. In 2005, the agency designated the first full week in December to highlight the importance of continuing flu vaccination through the holiday season and beyond. This year the center recommends that only injectable flu vaccines be given.

Inman said the changing nature of the virus is another reason she stresses taking the flu shot.

“To me it’s too big of a gamble to take for your health because each year the virus changes and the severity is different. No one can verify that this is a mild version and not the killer version that swept through in 1918,” she added.

According to health experts, in 1918 the flu pandemic killed an estimated 500 million people worldwide including about 675,000 Americans.

“Any immunization keeps anything you catch from being as bad because it jumpstarts your immune system,” Inman said. “You’ll be safer and less sorry if you get the flu shot.”

The Tennessee Department of Health reports that the highest number of flu cases in Tennessee are typically recorded in January and February each year.

For more information about where you can get the flu shot in Tennessee, visit http://tn.gov/health/topic/localdepartments.


Department of Media Relations

Tennessee State University
3500 John Merritt Boulevard
Nashville, Tennessee 37209

About Tennessee State University

With more than 8,000 students, Tennessee State University is Nashville’s only public university, and is a comprehensive, urban, co-educational, land-grant university offering 38 bachelor’s degree programs, 25 master’s degree programs and seven doctoral degrees. TSU has earned a top 20 ranking for Historically Black Colleges and Universities according to U.S. News and World Report, and rated as one of the top universities in the country by Washington Monthly for social mobility, research and community service. Founded in 1912, Tennessee State University celebrated 100 years in Nashville during 2012. Visit the University online at tnstate.edu.

Excitement Growing Over Tennessee State University 2016 Homecoming

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (TSU News Service) – Tennessee State University senior Ariel Neely probably best sums up Homecoming at TSU: “It is just an exciting time of the year!”

TSU¹s Aristocrat of Bands is one of the highlights of 2016 Homecoming. (photo by John Cross, TSU Media Relations)

Hundreds of people are expected to attend the 2016 celebration, which started Oct. 9 and ends Oct. 15 with the game against Ohio Valley Conference rival Eastern Kentucky University.

This year’s Homecoming theme is “celebrating a legacy of pride and progress,” and marks TSU’s 104th anniversary.

Alums, both local and from across the country, will attend Homecoming events that include a scholarship gala, showcase of bands, parade, step show, coronation of Mr. and Miss TSU, and of course, the game.

“Homecoming is a way for family and alums to come back and see the changes on campus and what their kids or family members are really doing,” said William Johnson, a senior economics major at TSU.

He said this year’s celebration is extra special because his parents, both alums, will be attending.

“That’s just the icing on the cake for me to see them here,” Johnson said.

A business along the Homecoming parade route showcases TSU spirit. (photo by Lucas Johnson, TSU Media Relations)

Organizers expect turnout for this year’s Homecoming to be one of the largest since the Centennial celebration four years ago.

They say reserved hotel spaces are filling up fast, and tickets to various activities are selling in record numbers.

“We are expecting a lot of people this year,” said Michelle Viera,

TSU’s assistant vice president for Events Management and chair of the Homecoming committee.

Many returning alumni say, more than anything, they’re looking forward to reuniting with old classmates and reminiscing about school days.

“First and foremost, just to fellowship,” said Nashville entrepreneur Kevin Robertson, a ’89 graduate of TSU. “It’s a family environment. I really look forward to seeing old faces and catching up.”

Burnice Winfrey (’85), and two of his three other brothers, attended TSU.

“I get to see a lot of people who come back in town,” said Winfrey, who runs a family business in Nashville. “I enjoy going to the pep rally, the game, and catching up with old professors and classmates. It’s a great atmosphere.”

To find out more about Homecoming 2016, visit www.tnstate.edu/homecoming.

Department of Media Relations

Tennessee State University
3500 John Merritt Boulevard
Nashville, Tennessee 37209

About Tennessee State University

With more than 9,000 students, Tennessee State University is Nashville’s only public university, and is a comprehensive, urban, co-educational, land-grant university offering 38 undergraduate, 25 graduate and seven doctoral programs. TSU has earned a top 20 ranking for Historically Black Colleges and Universities according to U.S. News and World Report, and rated as one of the top universities in the country by Washington Monthly for social mobility, research and community service. Founded in 1912, Tennessee State University celebrated 100 years in Nashville during 2012. Visit the University online at tnstate.edu.

TSU College of Business strengthens industry partnerships by linking students with professionals

Tennessee State University’s College of Business is bridging curriculum with practical training for students by engaging business and industry professionals into the life of the college.

Through six advisory boards focused on specific aspects of their diverse degree programs, the college is preparing the next generation of business leaders for the workforce by making those connections while they are learning.

Retired Army Maj. Gen. Frank L. Miller, a retired senior Dell executive and former chair of the Supply Chain Management Governing Board, is credited with the vision behind the establishment of the College of Business’ Leadership Case Challenge Competition.

Among those alignments include Accounting, Alumni, Business Information Systems, Economics and Finance, and Supply Chain Management advisory and governing boards. The College of Business Advisory Board, designated for the entire college, has been active for more than 30 years and influential in bringing corporate support to the college. The Board has most recently sponsored a faculty retreat, offered scholarships, supported faculty research, and assisted the College in planning and orchestrating the Frank L. Miller, Jr. MBA Case Competition designed to provide MBA candidates with a forum to build and exercise their leadership skills.

Each board has specific goals but generally all work toward helping students find success while in the classroom and when they complete college.

“The jobs driving today’s economy require not only content knowledge in a given field, but those who can work well with others, communicate effectively and help companies solve some of the challenges they face,” said TSU President, Dr. Glenda Glover. “The expertise our advisory board members bring to the table are invaluable as our students learn to leverage and strengthen their skills for success in a competitive job market.”

Additionally, the boards, which are made up of professionals representing a cross-section of business and industry, focus on introducing students to potential employers, offer  mentoring support, raise funds for scholarships, provide internship opportunities, sponsor students to attend conferences, and professional and leadership development sessions, and foster a sense of giving back.

Dr. Millicent Lownes-Jackson

“The College of Business has been deliberate in exposing students to real-world interactions as part of their academic experience. With the rapid advances that technology and other industry standards create in the global business environment, it is increasingly important that today’s business leaders are versatile and equipped in handling a number of trending issues,” said Dr. Millicent Lownes-Jackson, dean of the College of Business. “The mentoring, training, internships, scholarships, and career opportunities that our advisory boards provide not only help students with their academic preparation, but prepare them to be critical thinkers and problem solvers once they enter the workforce.”

Department of Media Relations

Tennessee State University
3500 John Merritt Boulevard
Nashville, Tennessee 37209

About Tennessee State University

With more than 9,000 students, Tennessee State University is Nashville’s only public university, and is a comprehensive, urban, co-educational, land-grant university offering 45 undergraduate, 24 graduate and seven doctoral programs. TSU has earned a top 20 ranking for Historically Black Colleges and Universities according to U.S. News and World Report, and rated as one of the top universities in the country by Washington Monthly for social mobility, research and community service. Founded in 1912, Tennessee State University celebrated 100 years in Nashville during 2012. Visit the University online at tnstate.edu.

More than 2,000 Students Make the Dean’s List at TSU for Spring 2015 Semester

Deans-List-2015NASHVILLE, Tenn. (TSU News Service) – Congratulations to 2,117 students who made the Dean’s List at Tennessee State University for the Spring 2015 semester. The honor list names all students who have achieved a grade point average of 3.0 or higher in 12 or more semester hours taken for a letter grade during the spring semester.

Students on the coveted list for Spring 2015 are listed alphabetically. Students who have opted out of publicly sharing their private information are not listed. Again, congratulations! Here are the honorees:

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


  • Khalid Abdalla
  • Suzy Abdelfarag
  • Nurudin Abdul
  • Zelan Abdullah
  • Amed Abdullah
  • Rundique Abdullah
  • Aaliyah Abdullah
  • Nirgez Abdullah
  • Umid Abdullah
  • Ammarah Abdul-Raheem
  • Barvona Abellera
  • Nicole Abernathy
  • Paula Abongo
  • Bashar Aboona
  • Sheri Aboud
  • Fahd Abuannon
  • Raghad Abulkhair
  • Selahaddin Adam
  • Lauren Adams
  • Ines Adawa Wandja
  • Abiola A Adebayo
  • Robert Adkisson
  • BeShaunn Agee
  • Crystal Agyemang
  • Saran Ahmad Spratts
  • Taha Ahmed
  • Etin-Osa Aibangbee
  • Aliah Aiken
  • Ayoka Ajamu
  • Blessing Ajumobi
  • Patrick Akers
  • Olatayo Akindele
  • Mohammed Al Marri
  • Ibrahim Al Naghmoosh
  • Ali Al Rabeh
  • Aqeelah Al Showkan
  • Farhan Alabdulrhman
  • Riyadh Alahmadi
  • Hussam Alahmadi
  • Ali Alahmari
  • Abdulmajeed Alahmari
  • Abdulhadi Alahmed
  • Hadi Alajmi
  • Abdullah Alajmi
  • Nasser Alajmi
  • Ali Alakkasi
  • Hussin Alali
  • Ali Alalqam
  • Saja Alalshalab
  • Saleh Alamri
  • Raed Alamri
  • Abdulsalam Alanazi
  • Ahmed Alanazi
  • Fahad Alanazi
  • Wael Alanazi
  • Abdulrahman Alanazi
  • Abdullatif Alanazi
  • Abdullah Alaqeel
  • Yousef Alawad
  • Khaled Alayed
  • Abdullah Alayuni
  • Khaled Al-Balhi
  • Duaa Albarnawi
  • Mubarak Alboainain
  • Mohammed Albooq
  • Mubarak Alburaik
  • Savoneyeih Albury
  • Saad Aldarwish
  • Saad Aldawsari
  • Abdullah Aldawsari
  • Nawaf Aldehaim
  • Abdullah Aldhafeeri
  • Bandar Aldhuwayhi
  • Zainab Aldossary
  • Saleh Aldossary
  • Rashed Aldossary
  • Sultan Aldousary
  • Homoud Aldulaan
  • Mohammed Aldulaan
  • Bandr Aldwsari
  • Marwan Alesmail
  • Melonee Alexander
  • Terry Alexander
  • Yazeed Alfaleh
  • Hisham Alfawzan
  • Majed Alfehaid
  • Chanel Alford
  • Fahad Alfuraydi
  • Musaab Algarni
  • Fatema Algatrani
  • Abdulaziz Alghamdi
  • Ahmed Alghamdi
  • Ali Alghamdi
  • Mohammed Alghamdi
  • Yazeed Alghamdi
  • Rawan Alghamdi
  • Mohammed Alghyamah
  • Fahad Alhajri
  • Turki Alhajri
  • Fayed Alharbi
  • Nasser Alharbi
  • Yousef Alharbi
  • Hussam Alharbi
  • Ahmed Alharbi
  • Khalid Alharbi
  • Mazen Alharbi
  • Sultan Alharbi
  • Abdullah Alharbi
  • Musab Alharbi
  • Mukhlid Alharbi
  • Abdullah Alhassani
  • Rami Alhazmi
  • Abdulghani Alhindi
  • Shaher Alhlis
  • Waheed Alhowaiji
  • Ghassan Alhumaidi
  • Hdeel Alhumeyid
  • Ali Alhuraysh
  • Dejin Ali
  • Ali Aljafar
  • Mustafa Aljarrah
  • Falah Aljashaam
  • Feras Aljohani
  • Sarah Aljohani
  • Murtadha Alkafil
  • Majed Alkahtani
  • Mazen Alkashram
  • Hadi Alkhalifah
  • Muteb Alkhamisi
  • Ali Alkhamsan
  • Khaled Alkhelewy
  • Amar Alkulaib
  • Mohammed Allaziqani
  • Adaisha Allen
  • Allysha Allen
  • Carl Allen
  • Jennifer Allen
  • Maya Alley
  • Tierra Allgood
  • Abdullah Almaghlouth
  • Khaled Almahmoud
  • Abdulaziz Almajnouni
  • Hamdan Almakhalas
  • Saleh Almakhalas
  • Mofareh Almakhalas
  • Manahi Almakhalas
  • Maryam Almatrood
  • Zahra Almatrood
  • Mustafa Almishal
  • Abdullah Almuaweed
  • Khalid Almuawi
  • Ibraheem Almufleh
  • Mohammad Almujllid
  • Khalid Almujri
  • Mohammed Almunif
  • Ahmad Almunyif
  • Hamad Almusalam
  • Ali Almusalli
  • Raja Almutairi
  • Fahd Almutairi
  • Omar Almutairi
  • Mohammed Almutairi
  • Faisal Almutairi
  • Hani Almutairi
  • Mohammed Almutairi
  • Saad Almutairi
  • Abdualsslam Almutairy
  • Abdullah Alnaim
  • Albara Alnassar
  • Raed Alnasser
  • Rayan Alobaidan
  • Faysal Alohali
  • Abdulrahman Alohali
  • Ghazi Alotaibi
  • Abdulrahamn Alotaibi
  • Abdulmajeed Alotaibi
  • Fawaz Alotaibi
  • Majed Alotaibi
  • Majed Alotaiby
  • Faisal Alothman
  • Abdulaziz Aloufi
  • Radhi Alqahtani
  • Meshari Alqahtani
  • Abdulrahman Alqahtani
  • Hassan Alqahtani
  • Sultan Alqahtani
  • Saad Alqahtani
  • Muflih Alqahtani
  • Suliman Alqahtani
  • Faisal Alqahtani
  • Dheya AlQallaf
  • Mohammed Alqam
  • Mohammed Alqarni
  • Abdulaziz Alqarni
  • Saber Alqarni
  • Muhannad Alqulayti
  • Mubarak Alrabie
  • Abdullah Alrafa
  • Mohammed Alrageeb
  • Bassam Alrashedi
  • Yousef Alrumayh
  • Khaled Alsaadi
  • Ahmed Alsaba
  • Taherah Alsadah
  • Hashim Alsadah
  • Hassan Alsahaf
  • Shaikha Alsahli
  • Abdulmohsen Alsaleh
  • Muteb Alsalhi
  • Ayed Alshammari
  • Majed Alshammari
  • Abdullah Alshammari
  • Faisal Alshammari
  • Omar Saud Alsharari
  • Anas Alshathri
  • Mohammed Alshiha
  • Haadi Alssaedi
  • Saeed Alsubaie
  • Nawaf Alsubhi
  • Khaled Alsubie
  • Abdullah Alsultan
  • Sultan Alsultan
  • Waleed Alsuwayni
  • Ahmad Altaleb
  • Abdulrahman Altaleb
  • Muhammad Altarrgemy
  • Faisal Altasan
  • Guerda Altidort
  • Mojahed Altorkestani
  • Ahmed Alturiman
  • Abdulaziz Alturki
  • Mustafa Alturki
  • Ashley Alvarado
  • Maha Alyami
  • Ali Alyami
  • Hassan Alzahrani
  • Amro Alzahrani
  • Abdulrahman Alzahrani
  • Zuhair Alzahrani
  • Saeed Alzahrani
  • Ziyad Alzahrani
  • Abdulrahman Alzahrani
  • Saif Alzaidi
  • Fahad Alzuabi
  • Mazen Alzubaidi
  • Zelalem Amare
  • Kesharra Ambrose
  • Ilu Amin
  • Jemarruse Amos
  • Miranda Anderson
  • Kenisha Anderson
  • Tequera Anderson
  • Marquise Anderson
  • Nakisha Anderson
  • Arijana Anderson
  • Jeremy Anderson
  • Ashley Anderson
  • Hassan Ansaif
  • Candace Anthony
  • Toni Appleton
  • Ahing Aradini
  • Megan Aratani
  • Nathaniel Archie
  • Kevin Argall
  • Abdililah Arif
  • Abdullah Arif
  • Alexis Armstead
  • Marque Armstead
  • Jenaun Armstrong
  • Katherine Armstrong
  • Kia Armstrong
  • Joseph Arnett
  • Joseph Arnold
  • Rufta Aron
  • Shaun Arroyo
  • Ibrahim Aseery
  • Jared Asher
  • Kamau As-Salaam
  • Briana Atha
  • Courtney Atkinson
  • Authur Atu
  • Marquis Austin
  • Stephanie Austin
  • Michael Austin
  • Ciera Avery
  • Peter Awad
  • Hidy Ayoub
  • Chima Azuonwu

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  • Mohammed Babaeer
  • Julia Babin
  • Hadar Babiry
  • Jessica Bach
  • Pamela Backus
  • Amber Baker
  • Kaila Baker
  • Phillip Baker
  • Micah Baker
  • Jose Balbin
  • Deonna Ballanger
  • Avangalin Ballantyne
  • Christin Ballard Wilson
  • Tola Bamidele
  • Krystin Bandy
  • Janki Bant
  • Shana Barber
  • Connie Barbour
  • Kelly Bardill
  • Latoya Barefield
  • Bariture Barile
  • Bonita Barnett
  • Heather Barr
  • Steven Barrett
  • Monica Barsoum
  • Mira Barsoum
  • Breyuna Bartee
  • Nuveen Barwari
  • Chandonae Baskin
  • Anthony Bass
  • Andrew Bather
  • David Battle
  • Krisalaun Battle
  • Eyup Bazan
  • Cyra Beard
  • Maxine Beard
  • Daquan Beck
  • Shawn Beck
  • Alexis Becton
  • Cedric Beene
  • Kate Belardo
  • Antonio Bell
  • Deonis Bells
  • Samantha Beltran
  • Tevry Benavy
  • Iram Benavy
  • Kendra Benion
  • Mary Bennett
  • Nigel Benson
  • Morgan Benton
  • Lea Bermudez
  • Daniel Bernal
  • Idaisha Berry
  • Tremera Berry
  • Shirley Berry
  • David Beshara
  • Aeron Bess
  • Brittiany Betts
  • Benjamin Betty
  • Anuja Bhatt
  • Alissha Bibbs
  • Sultan Bin Hayzan
  • Stephen Bines
  • Alwaleed Binsaeed
  • Ibin Birch
  • Sherrece Black
  • Jada Blackmon
  • Tim Blain
  • Shelby Blair
  • Brandon Blake
  • Knahia Blakemore
  • Simeyon Blakeney
  • Joshua Blankenship
  • Keilan Blanks
  • Caleb Blount
  • Akira Bogard
  • Kaitlyn Boggs
  • Eboni Bolden
  • Alan Bond
  • Keith Bones
  • Zuheily Bonilla
  • Jamila Bonner
  • Paris Booker
  • Latriana Boone
  • Traci Booth
  • Breah Boseman
  • Youstina Botros
  • Marlyn Botros
  • Mary Botrous
  • Mariam Boules
  • Samuel Boules
  • Marina Boutros
  • Ketsana Bouttavong
  • Andrea Bowen
  • Joshawn Bowens
  • Jaquantey Bowens
  • Justin Bowers
  • Ebony Bowers
  • Laneakia Bowling
  • Ciarra Bowman
  • Jacinta Boyd-Futch
  • Kendra Boykin
  • Casandra Bozeman
  • William Braddy
  • Lexis Bradley
  • Devonte Bradley
  • Darren Bragg
  • Thomas Brame Jr.
  • Camille Brandon
  • Brenda Brannon
  • Laura Bremer
  • Tara Brewer
  • Jacoby Brewer
  • Sabrina Brewer
  • Kishauna Bridget
  • Antonio Briggs
  • Keiosha Bright
  • Christy Bright
  • John Brillhart
  • Tairyn Broadnax
  • Charri Bronner
  • Briana Brooks
  • Kaiesha Brotherson
  • Jada Brown
  • Tyler Brown
  • DeAdrian Brown
  • Layla Brown
  • Derrick Brown
  • Aaron Brown
  • Alice Brown
  • Geoffrey Brown
  • Cordnie Brown
  • Kenneth Brown
  • Jessie Brown
  • Monet Brown
  • Brandon Brown
  • D’Shae Brown
  • Sharicka Brown
  • Delvakio Brown
  • Gerald Brown
  • JeTara Brown
  • Rachel-Rebekah Brown
  • Viviauna Brown
  • Kameron Browner
  • Antoinette Browner
  • Jessica Browning
  • Nytevea Brownridge
  • Raevon Broyles
  • Mohammed Bu Saqr
  • Abdulaziz Buaishah
  • Sarai-Rachel Buckley
  • Jasmine Buckley
  • Abdullah Budayr
  • Kendrea Bufford
  • Daianna Bui
  • Lindsey Burgess
  • Blake Burgett
  • Thadijah Burks
  • Karissa Burnett
  • Kristen Burnett
  • Kathleen Burnett
  • JC De’Marko Burnett-Gordon
  • Kristopher Burris
  • John Burrow
  • Hailey Burton
  • Aliah Burton-Mahdi
  • Cordarius Bush
  • Keiara Bush
  • Jamil Butler
  • Jelisa Butler
  • Keyatta Butler
  • Terrance Butler
  • Ashley Butler
  • Christopher Butler
  • William Butterworth
  • Mazi Byrd
  • William Byrd

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  • Alexandria Cade
  • Zhaquay Caldwell
  • Breyonia Callier
  • Baylee Camp
  • Grace Campbell
  • Caleb Campbell
  • Matthew Campbell
  • Narshika Campbell
  • Terrance Campbell
  • Darla Canady
  • Tomaneikia Cannon
  • Anshanie Cannon
  • Kendra Cannon
  • Tevin Cannon
  • Jazmyne Cantrell
  • Jillian Cantrell
  • Glory Canups
  • Zachary Carden
  • Raven Careathers
  • Angelique Carney
  • Amber Carpenter
  • Nina Carroll
  • T Shana Carter
  • Erica Carter
  • Autumn Carter
  • Molli Carter
  • O’Shay Carter
  • Porchia Carter
  • Carrie Cartwright
  • Alycia Caruthers
  • Trynisha Caruthers
  • Thomas Caruthers
  • Neal Carver
  • Chelsea Cash
  • Uniqueka Causey
  • Brandy Cauthen
  • Kelsey Cendroski
  • Terrika Chambers
  • Myra Chandler
  • Akamard Chansuthus
  • Authur Chapman
  • Ebone Chappell
  • Kerra Charles
  • Marea Chatman
  • Erin Chatman
  • Carmen Childs-Brown
  • Eric Chism
  • Sara Chrisman
  • Brennan Christmon
  • Regina Chung
  • Malik City
  • Tymanisha Clark
  • Breanna Clark
  • Lane Clark
  • Brittany Clark
  • Tiffani Clark
  • Rhonda Clay
  • Taylor Clayborn
  • Tamaiya Clayton
  • Courtney Clayton
  • Mark Clear
  • Blake Cleckler
  • Christopher Clegg
  • Dasia Clemente
  • James Clemmons
  • Bryan Coager
  • Jeremy Coffey
  • Typhanee Colbert
  • Jordan Coleman
  • Kiona Coleman
  • Clynsezetta Coleman
  • Augtonia Coleman
  • Mia Collier
  • Jeremy Collier
  • Lashunda Collins
  • Christopher Collins
  • Cameron Comer
  • Charles Commodore
  • Sariah Compton
  • Hailey Congelos
  • Danay Conner
  • Patrick Connolly
  • Matthew Conti
  • Lindsey Conti
  • Alexus Cook
  • LaQuarius Cook
  • Redesha Cooper
  • William Cooper
  • Kali Cooper
  • Jeremiah Cooper
  • Jaime Cooper
  • Chantell Copeland
  • Kierra Corbin
  • Heather Cothron
  • Jonas Cottingham
  • Chyna Cotton
  • Brittany Coughlin
  • Thomas Couts
  • Majah Couzan
  • Dameion Cowans
  • Parrish Cox
  • Dakota Cox
  • Robert Cox
  • Michelle Cox
  • Keandria Craft
  • Shaquille Cragwall
  • Monique Craig
  • Ryan Craighead
  • Alexis Crawford
  • Ledarrell Crawford
  • Sydney Crawley
  • Mercedes Crayton
  • John Creson
  • Christian Crockett
  • Adrian Croft
  • London Crofton
  • Taylor Cromwell
  • Angela Crone
  • Jameica Crook
  • Chasity Cunningham
  • Charity Cunningham
  • Charles Cunningham
  • Jazzmine Cunningham
  • Ellery Cunningham
  • Antony Currie
  • Monique Currie
  • Kiara Curry
  • Arayvia Curry
  • LaRon Curtis
  • Tierney Curtis

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  • Maria Dabshee
  • Bishnu Dahal
  • Netra Dahal
  • Andrew Dale
  • Tameria Dale
  • Jolie Dalton
  • Clairwin Dameus
  • Joshua Dangerfield
  • Kennetha Daniel
  • Kristin Daniel
  • Eriya Daniel
  • Ulecia Daniel
  • Talor Daniels
  • Necoya Daniels
  • Tyla Daniels
  • Kourtney Daniels
  • Brianna Dansby
  • Nancy Dansby
  • Christina Dantzler
  • Amelia Dap
  • Marlus Darden
  • Timothy Darrah
  • Marcus Dassah
  • Schaunais Davis
  • Taylor Davis
  • Lydia Davis
  • George Davis
  • Sheneka Davis
  • Rakita Davis
  • Andre Davis
  • Kiara Davis
  • Delveedra Davis
  • Stacy Davis
  • Ebony Davis
  • Olivia Davis
  • Taylor Davis
  • Thommye Davis
  • Jamiya Day
  • Jazlyn Day
  • Erica De La Cruz
  • Rully Dean
  • Symoane Demoss
  • Kierra Dennis
  • Shantel Dennis
  • Macy Dennis
  • Cedric Dent
  • Brianna Denton
  • Rashad Derico
  • Kerolus Deryas
  • Keron DeShields
  • Derrius Deshotel
  • Shantane Diamond
  • Elisabeth Dickey
  • Jasmine Diles
  • Natane Dillahunt
  • Alexandria Dinwiddie
  • Modou Diouf
  • Moussa Diouf
  • Jordan Dixon
  • Stephanie Dixon
  • Aireal Dixon
  • Makia Dixon
  • Joshua Dobbins
  • Joshua Dobson
  • Darielle Doby
  • Alisha Doherty
  • Robert Dominique
  • Lauren Domzalski
  • Imani Donald
  • Rodney Donaldson
  • Quannyce Donelson
  • Dylan Dorman
  • Morgan Dorsey
  • Tyrell Doss
  • Raven Dotson
  • Gregory Dotson
  • Christa Douglas
  • Demarious Douglas
  • Tierney Dowell
  • Whitney Dozier
  • Britney Dozier
  • Lauren Dreitlein
  • Brianna Drennon
  • Delenny Dubose
  • Danielle Dugain
  • Morgan Dumas
  • Monica Dumas
  • Lashunte Duncan
  • Chardonne Duncan
  • Ambriell Dunlap
  • Brittany Dunlap
  • Michael Dye

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  • Bernard Eady
  • Emily Eanes
  • Brooke Earhart
  • Akelah Earl
  • Malcolm Echols
  • Rafael Echols
  • Antoinette Edmonds
  • Ladarion Edwards
  • Kevin Edwards
  • Rodney Edwards
  • Jekei Edwards
  • Christine Egedegbe
  • Attallah Eiland
  • Sally Elia
  • Domonique Elliott
  • Tyler Ellis
  • Anne Emesibe
  • Solen Emin
  • Oluwatoyin Eminowa
  • Nykia Engram
  • Mattia Epps
  • Erin Epps
  • Christina Esco
  • Abanoub Eshak
  • Fady Estany
  • Micheal Estany
  • Porshia Eubanks
  • Christin Evans
  • Kassandra Evans
  • Reanna Evans
  • Lauren Evans
  • Jessica Evans-El
  • Ashlee Everett
  • Eno Eyo
  • Allen Ezigbo
  • Soma Ezzadpanah

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  • Cameron Fagan
  • Bassim Falimban
  • Diarra Fall
  • Munirah Fallatah
  • Alysia Falls
  • Saad Fandi
  • Merna Farag
  • Bret Farestad
  • Ciera Farley
  • Jerrick Farmer
  • Shironika Farrior
  • John Farthing
  • Brandon Faught
  • Tatyana Fayne
  • Chantelle Fenton
  • Demetria Fields
  • Juana Figueroa
  • Esmeralda Figueroa
  • Rana Filfilan
  • Lakendra Fine
  • Valencia Fisher
  • LaFonda Fisher
  • Temecca Fisher
  • Dan Fishler
  • Mia Fitzgerald
  • Alexis Fleming
  • Cierra Fleming
  • Brittani Fletcher
  • Gabriela Flores
  • Alexis Fom
  • Xenea Ford
  • Aarian Forman
  • Lyudmila Forostyanaya
  • Alec Forrest
  • Robert Forte
  • Ashley Foster
  • Kristin Foster
  • Mirhan Foukia
  • Kenchele Fountain
  • Tyla Fowlkes
  • Deja Fox
  • Jade Franklin
  • Patrick Franklin
  • Amber Franklin
  • Jolynn Franklin
  • Aje Frazier
  • Alexis Frazier
  • Fiera Freeman
  • Kyahna Freeman
  • Bria Freeman
  • Isaiah Freeman
  • Matthew Freemon
  • Desmond Frelix
  • Rashaad French
  • Danielle Friends
  • Joshua Frierson
  • Meredith Friskel
  • Thomas Frost
  • Bria Fuller
  • Shaundree Fuller
  • Reginesha Fulton
  • Jermey Fultz
  • Ashlyn Furkins
  • Lucas Futrell

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  • Christopher Gabriel
  • Briana Gaines
  • Alexandria Gaines
  • Donavon Gaines
  • Tomlin Gale
  • Markeisha Gales
  • Ryan Gammon
  • Aysha Ganaway
  • Courtney Gann
  • Celeste Garcia
  • Alekzander Garcia
  • Theresa Gardner
  • Tara Garoutte
  • Shava Garrett
  • Tara Garrett
  • Deandrea Garrison
  • Amy Garrison
  • Kane Garrison
  • Deyja Garth
  • Aurora Garvin
  • Shalonda Gatewood
  • Romielle Gay
  • Courtney Gearlds
  • Romin Geiger
  • Marziye Ghorbani
  • Tracey Gibbs
  • Alexandria Gibbs
  • Carla Gibson
  • Treasure Giddens
  • Jacoby Gilbert
  • Brionne Gilbert
  • Melanie Gillingham
  • De Johnette Gilmore
  • Sandra Girgis
  • Sylvana Girgis
  • Malcolm Givens
  • Dimante Givens
  • Lamara Glass
  • Christopher Goad
  • Myka Godwin
  • Nyani Golden-Brown
  • Jansen Goldtrap
  • Maria Gomez
  • Rosa Gomez
  • Christina Gomez
  • Jamel Gooch
  • Louis Goodwin
  • Marion Goolsby
  • Megan Goolsby
  • Nia Gordon
  • Elijah Gore
  • Jamal Govan
  • Chasity Gowdy
  • Iman Graham
  • Joseph Graham
  • Ronsheika Granberry
  • Schlander Grandison
  • Jane Grant
  • Nichole Grant
  • Shayna Graves
  • Micheal Graves
  • Shaquana Gray
  • Diamond Gray
  • Derek Gray
  • Carla Grayson
  • Taylor Green
  • Aliya Green
  • Kanafa Green
  • Kaiwanna Green
  • Kadarrious Green
  • Arianna Green-Banks
  • Kelsea Greene
  • Derrick Greene
  • Felicia Gregoire
  • Racheal Gregory
  • LaNeisia Grier
  • Kristian Grier
  • Heather Griese
  • Kalli Griffey
  • Jermel Griffin
  • Alex Griffin
  • Charles Griffith
  • Isaiah Grigsby
  • James Grimes
  • Michael Griswold
  • Beth Groce
  • Karen Groves
  • Joycelyn Grubbs
  • Jessica Guajardo
  • Anahi Guerra
  • Britney Gunn
  • Christopher Gurley
  • Tiara Gwinn
  • Emmanuel Gyang

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  • Nancy Habib
  • Martha Habib
  • RaShunda Hackett
  • Alexis Haddock
  • Danielle Haik
  • Lisa Haile
  • Ali Haji
  • Redeer Haji
  • Vahin Haji
  • Ramazan Haji
  • Barrawan Haji
  • Ramziya Haji
  • Zarrawan Haji
  • Nicole Halcin
  • Cory Hale
  • Devasean Hale
  • Darryl Hale
  • Caspian Haley
  • Brianna Hall
  • Christa Hall
  • Maya Hall
  • Sarena Hall
  • Spencor Hall
  • Reid Hall
  • Carrie Hall
  • Janee Hall
  • Blake Hamilton
  • Chasity Hamilton
  • Cody Hamilton
  • Haley Hampton
  • Nafisa Hamza
  • Keyaira Hanes
  • Shannon Hanson
  • Dania Hantouli
  • Delaina Hardges
  • Toni Harding
  • Darrell Hardison
  • Jasmine Hardnett
  • Amber Hardy
  • Lidia Hardyway
  • Samarian Hargrave
  • Jasmine Harmon
  • Destiny Harper
  • Kailyn Harrington
  • Kyle Harrington
  • Anterrial Harris
  • Kenneth Harris
  • Tierra Harris
  • Kelli Harris
  • Ebone Harris
  • LaDavia Harris
  • Willie Harris
  • Skylar Harris
  • Brittany Harris
  • Amanda Harris
  • Candace Harris
  • Erin Harris
  • Calvin Harris
  • Chardea Harrison
  • BreDaija Harrison
  • Makia Harrison
  • Alexis Harrison-Wattley
  • Andrew Hart
  • Samantha Hartley
  • Saud Hassan
  • Kia Hassell
  • Kelsi Hatch
  • Alex Haven
  • Amanda Hawkins
  • Mark Hawkins
  • Amber Hawkins
  • Suhayb Hawsawi
  • Mouayad Hawsawy
  • Taylor Hayes
  • Ashley Hayes
  • Carla Hayes
  • Tiara Haynes
  • DeAndre Haynes
  • Ronniece Haynie
  • Emmanuel Heath
  • Phyllicia Hemphill
  • Junieshia Hemphill
  • Taylor Henderson
  • Brionne Henderson
  • Calvin Henderson
  • Kelly Henderson
  • Meena Henen
  • Christopher Henes
  • Christina Henke
  • Courtney Henry
  • Alyxandria Henry
  • Haley Henson
  • Burble Hentz
  • Toryannah Herbert
  • Vaunni Hernandez
  • Leonel Herrera Flores
  • Ricky Herron
  • Rujin Hesen
  • Kimberly Hess
  • Allison Hesson
  • Kiara Hester
  • Myles Hicks
  • Brianna Hicks
  • Ashley Hicks
  • Alexis Hicks
  • Joshua Higginbottom
  • Shamika Higgins
  • Willie High
  • Maccio Hightower
  • Taylor Hightower
  • Shanice Hill
  • Katherine Hill
  • Gerald Hill
  • Jabresha Hill
  • Jordan Hill
  • Ariel Hill
  • Ashleigh Hill
  • Patrick Hill
  • Joe Hill
  • Selina Hilliard
  • Brandon Hilton
  • Michaiah Hinds
  • Kaylee Hines
  • Clifford Hines
  • Dustin Hines
  • Osafa Hippolyte
  • Sandra Hitchcox
  • Courtney Hix
  • Joanna Hockett
  • Lalita Hodge
  • Mikala Hodges
  • Victoria Hodges
  • Forrest Hoff
  • Derek Hogan
  • Angelica Holden
  • Destiney Holder
  • Juanita Holder
  • Leon Holderhead
  • Lakhalon Holland
  • Joseph Holland
  • Brittany Holliday
  • Kiana Holliman
  • Courtney Hollis
  • Georgio Holston
  • Tjuan Holt
  • Donovan Holt
  • Malik Homer
  • Jada Hood
  • Dexter Hooks
  • Antranae Hopkins
  • Zuzanna Hopkins
  • Mary Hoppenrath
  • Nicholas Horn
  • Kenay Horne
  • Marlecia Horton
  • Kelsey Houston
  • Oliver Howard
  • Rex Howard
  • Mary Howard
  • Katherine Howe
  • Danielle Howse
  • Justice Hubbard
  • Sterling Hubbard
  • Adriana Hughes
  • Regeaner Hughes
  • Amber Hughes
  • Daniel Huisinga
  • Lorne Hulan
  • Joshua Hulsey
  • Phillicia Humes
  • Latandria Humphrey Hopkins
  • Sheldon Humphries
  • Latrice Hunt
  • Paris Hunter
  • Mikayla Hunter
  • Rachel Hurst
  • Zubeida Husain
  • Marion Hutton
  • Ashley Hutton

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  • Christina Ibrahim
  • Magina Ibrahim
  • Merna Ibrahim
  • Kevina Ingram
  • Da Ne Irvin
  • Christopher Isabell
  • Ciara Isbell
  • Marcelle Iskander
  • Rasan Ismail
  • Zeryan Ismail
  • Veman Ismail
  • Nahom Iyob

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  • Darrellka Jackson
  • De’onte Jackson
  • Latoya Jackson
  • Driona Jackson
  • Darneisha Jackson
  • Katelyn Jackson
  • Nasya Jackson
  • Tyeshia Jackson
  • Dinsdale Jackson
  • Anthony Jackson
  • Danyell Jackson
  • Montia Jackson
  • Sheneka Jackson
  • Zachariah Jackson
  • Anthony Jacobs
  • Angelica Jacox
  • Megan Jamar
  • Rabab Jambi
  • Ayonna James
  • Jasmine James
  • Essence James
  • Ruby James
  • Curhon Jamison
  • Justice Jamison
  • Eisa Jammali
  • Brandon Jean
  • Cameron Jefferson
  • James Jefferson
  • David Jenkins
  • Sean Jenkins
  • Steven Jenkins
  • Kristen Jenkins
  • Jarvetta Jenkins
  • Brittney Jennings
  • Mariah Jennings
  • Jalen Jennings
  • Treat Jennings
  • Cameron Johnson
  • Carey Johnson
  • Courtney Johnson
  • Monique Johnson
  • Qhemani Johnson
  • Ladarius Johnson
  • D Andre Johnson
  • Jayla Johnson
  • Raynette Johnson
  • David Johnson
  • Breyanna Johnson
  • Kimaria Johnson
  • Trafawn Johnson
  • Kiera Johnson
  • Shamira Johnson
  • Brian Johnson
  • Joseph Johnson
  • Natavia Johnson
  • Patrick Johnson
  • Devonte Johnson
  • Javon Johnson
  • Danielle Johnson
  • Kenya Johnson
  • Justice Johnson
  • Alexis Johnson
  • Alexis Johnson
  • Alexis Johnson
  • David Johnson
  • Erin Johnson
  • Karyn Johnson
  • Marrine Johnson
  • Adrienne Joiner
  • Ariel Jones
  • Dazzjah Jones
  • Edraneka Jones
  • Joi Jones
  • Norman Jones
  • Michael Jones
  • Kamden Jones
  • Brittany Jones
  • Maya Jones
  • Joseph Jones
  • Alicia Jones
  • Jazmine Jones
  • Zakee Jones
  • Tissanie Jones
  • Jerrell Jones
  • Marcus Jones
  • Edward Jones
  • Renita Jones
  • Shawneis Jones
  • KaBrea Jones
  • Thomas Jones
  • Deandre Jones
  • Mikayla Jones
  • Megan Jones
  • Jaleah Jones
  • Steven Jones
  • Lisa Jordan
  • Kamri Jordan
  • Tiffany Jordan
  • Terrance Joyner

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  • Cho Ro Kamara
  • Marko Kamel
  • Isaac Kawinzi
  • Kazadi Kazadi
  • Isabella Kearney
  • Jarell Kelly
  • Tauj Kelly
  • Chiara Leinyuy Keng
  • Anyssa Keys
  • Shady Khair
  • Elaria Khalil
  • Christine Khalil
  • Melanie Khalili
  • Billal Khan
  • Ashin Khoshnaw
  • Yabreon Kight
  • Sydney Kilpatrick
  • Kimberly Kimbrough
  • Alivia King
  • Ashley King
  • Aviana King
  • Marissa King
  • Tyler Kinloch
  • Sarra Kirolous
  • Kelsey Kittrell
  • Paul Klockenkemper
  • Juan Knight
  • Naomi Kocher
  • Juliana Koelbl
  • Raheem Kosoko
  • Abiola Kosoko
  • Idris Kosoko
  • Brian Krost
  • Fatima Kucher
  • Zahra Kucher
  • Amro Kurdi
  • Vadim Kyzylbaev

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  • India Lackey
  • Kate’-Verdell LaFayette
  • Candace-Omnira LaFayette
  • Carlie Lake
  • Tuyet Anh Lam
  • Meghan Lambert
  • John Lamont
  • Simone Lancaster
  • Chaunkiyja Lane
  • Jasmine Lang
  • Nakia Lang
  • Rongi Langham
  • Tyra Laster
  • Olivia Laster
  • Adrienne Lavender
  • Misty Lavender
  • Tyler Law
  • Rico Lawrence
  • Maisie Lawrence
  • Jarisse Lawrence
  • Brianna Lawrence
  • William Leach
  • Lanique Leach
  • Mariah Leaman
  • Zachary Lee
  • Latrelle Lee
  • Cierra Lee
  • Brittany Lee
  • Zykeia Lee-Ball
  • Audrey Leggett
  • Dayle Lemon
  • Dominique Lemons
  • Monica Lemons
  • Yul Leonard
  • Trey Leonard
  • James Lester
  • Sterlin Leveque
  • Torien Leverett
  • Whitney Lewis
  • Zyaira Lewis
  • Kadeisha Lewis
  • Ishmael Lewis
  • Darius Lewis
  • James Lin
  • Ian Lincoln
  • Xuan Ling
  • Germysha Little
  • Charlotte Locke
  • Erica Lockett
  • Courtney Logan
  • Demontez Loman
  • Gary London
  • Amber-Nicole Long
  • Shannen Long
  • Charnicia Long
  • Karina Lopez
  • Larry Lopp
  • Jhaquelle Love
  • Antonette Lovett
  • Michaela Lovings
  • Zakia Lowery
  • Lina Lual
  • Cherie Luffman
  • Zuri Lyles

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  • Bryan Mack
  • Candisha Macklin
  • Nicole Madden
  • Grant Maddox
  • Brennan Magee
  • Musarrat Maisha
  • Keyawna Majors
  • Anton Makram
  • Esteer Makram
  • Peter Maldonado
  • Ileanushka Maldonado Berrios
  • Pamela Malinowska
  • Jamisha Malone
  • Inari Malone
  • Marcella Maloney
  • Amy Mangrum
  • Martina Manis
  • Rachael Manners
  • Justin Manson
  • Ariel Manuel
  • Ashley Mapp
  • Rayna Marable
  • Kaitlyn March
  • Mari Mari
  • McKenna Marks
  • Carson Marlin
  • Chelsea Marlin
  • Cordelia Marroquin
  • Randi Marshall
  • Joseph Martin
  • Semaj Martin
  • Rickey Martin
  • Samantha Martin
  • Stephen Martin
  • Nataly Martinez
  • Tia Mason
  • Briana Mason
  • Gabrielle Mason
  • Kierra Mason
  • Dena Masoud
  • Tneisha Mastin
  • Abdullah Matari
  • Artiaunna Maupins
  • Nykeria May
  • Rachel May
  • Andre Mayberry
  • John Mayer
  • Hayley Mayes
  • Daprecia Mayes
  • Sharesse Mayo
  • Miah Mayweather
  • Carlton Mcafee
  • Maya McBride
  • Ria Mccadney
  • Tahjere McCall
  • Branden McClain
  • Austin McClard
  • Darren McClelland-Urbanski
  • Jalexus McClendon
  • Victoria Mcclure
  • Ryne McClurkan
  • Haley McCormack
  • Allison McCormack
  • Tonie Mccormick
  • ShaCora McCoy
  • Jai McCrary
  • Akyra Mccray
  • Jalon Mccutcheon
  • Tyra McDaniel
  • Desjane McDonald
  • Diere’ Mcelroy
  • Kenya Mcewen
  • Charles Mcfadden
  • Malik McFadgon
  • Moet Mcfall
  • Brandon Mcferren
  • Michael McGill
  • Nathaniel McGill
  • Ayanna Mcgill
  • Brandon McGill
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  • Qunisha Mckee
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  • Aurora McKinney
  • Michelene McKinney
  • Tashana Mclaren
  • Shachia Mclaurin
  • Steven McNair
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  • Dequan Medina
  • Abigail Meek
  • Mohammad Mehio
  • Mina Melek
  • Kelly Merkel
  • Pierre Merritt
  • Bezhin Mesho
  • Juneice Michaux
  • Abanob Mikhaeil
  • Amgad Mikhaeil
  • Courtney Miles
  • Davon Miles
  • Sharie Miller
  • Monique Miller
  • Darrell Miller
  • Anna Miller
  • Brianna Miller
  • Shaunia Miller
  • Matthew Miller
  • Whitney Minor
  • Darlena Minor
  • Reginald Minter
  • Daniel Miree
  • Sanjeev Mishra
  • Torika Mitchell
  • Chiquitta Mitchell
  • Shacora Mitchell
  • Karzan Mohamad Ali
  • Lul Mohamed
  • Abdulleh Mohamed
  • Ahmed Mohamed
  • Samera Mohamed
  • Jennifer Molina
  • Bria Monk
  • Lauren Monmouth
  • Jamal Monteiro-Jones
  • Alysia Montgomery
  • Aundra Montgomery
  • Aaron Moore
  • Kabrella Moore
  • LaChanda Moore
  • Teericka Moore
  • David Moore
  • Traci Moore
  • Elizabeth Moore
  • Maya Moore
  • Guy Moorehead
  • Kierston Moorer
  • Melanie Mootry
  • Anthony Moreland
  • Amani Moreland
  • Jessulyn Morgan
  • Marissa Morgan
  • Kaylan Morgan
  • Ravyn Morgan
  • Shantia Morgan
  • Brittney Morris
  • Kayla Morris
  • Briana Morrow
  • Tanisha Morrow
  • Radarius Morrow
  • Preston Morton
  • Shelby Moser
  • Maurice Moss
  • Cathrine Moss
  • Calicia Moss
  • Adrian Mottley
  • Cierra Moye
  • Muna Muday
  • Tariq Muhammad
  • Taqiyyah Muhammad
  • Stephen Muldrow
  • Darlene Mullins
  • Jean-Bosco Munyaneza
  • Vanita Murphy
  • Ashley Murray
  • Dasia Murry
  • Kyara Murry
  • Nazdar Musa
  • Fatimatu Musah
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  • Steven Myers
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  • Aasia Naeem
  • Saud Naqi
  • Sana Naqvi
  • Ismail Naser
  • Fakhriya Nazi
  • Katelyn Neal
  • Shane Neal
  • Sarah Needleman
  • Shansa Neils
  • Moriah Nelson
  • Medinna Nelson
  • Vanorian Nelson
  • Caroline Neseem
  • Chelsea Newble
  • Courtney Newman
  • Quyen Nguyen
  • Allison Nguyen
  • Toni Nichols
  • Aisha Nichols
  • Krystal Nichols
  • Kayla Nickens
  • John Nix
  • Lacey Noel
  • Badea Nooh
  • Christian Norris
  • Jasmine Norvell Nicholson
  • Hussain Nouh
  • Rujin Numan
  • Sheena Nutt
  • Tracie Nutt
  • Amarachi Nwaneri
  • Chiamaka Nwosisi
  • Gerald Nwosu
  • Kelly Nygren
  • Carrie Nygren

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  • Shana O’Brien
  • Jacob Obure
  • Ifeoma Obuzor
  • Walter Odero
  • Ivan Odijie
  • Damica Odom
  • Teanna Ohm
  • Odera Okafor
  • Camille Oliver
  • Mikayla Oliver
  • Daphne Ols
  • Olaoluwa Olupona-Adeniyi
  • Joyce Olusegun
  • Mamdouh Omar
  • CeArte Onaghinor
  • Ronald Oniszczak
  • Nyanna Ortiz
  • Melondria Osborne
  • Briana Osei
  • Joy Osifo
  • Riham Osman
  • Musab Othman
  • Mohammed Othman
  • Moesha Overstreet
  • Brandee Owens
  • Briana Owens
  • Michael Oystern ll

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  • Jerry Page
  • Ivana Page
  • Brianna Page
  • John Pair
  • Heriberto Palacio
  • Nina Palm
  • Samantha Palma
  • Samuel Parada Bustelo
  • Sydney Parham
  • Stephanie Parker
  • Cory Parker
  • Makeshia Parker
  • Deborah Parker
  • Charlsey Parker
  • Markayla Parker
  • Lindsey Parks
  • Kalynn Parks
  • Ashley Parmer
  • Loni Parrish
  • Kelvette Partee
  • Shaunice Passmore
  • Teresa Patrick
  • Raechel Patrick
  • Taylor Patterson
  • Candice Patterson
  • William Payne
  • Stephanie Payne
  • Regina Pearson
  • Chelsie Pearson
  • Regina Peavy
  • Margarita Peete
  • Charlton Pence
  • Nneka Pendergrass
  • Destiny Pennington
  • Jackie Pennyman
  • Demetria Peoples
  • Crystal Peoples
  • Vincent Peppers
  • Larry Perdue
  • Jasmine Perdue
  • Sophia Perkins
  • Dominique Perkins
  • Shelby Perkins
  • Morgan Perkins
  • Eric Perkins
  • Kiana Perry
  • Nathaniel Perry
  • Jack Perry
  • Danielle Perry
  • Lindsay Perry
  • Angela Person-Hogan
  • Elisa Peterkin
  • Marissa Peterson
  • Angelica Peterson
  • Zephaniah Peterson
  • Jennifer Peterson
  • Tamela Pettigrew
  • Kendra Petty
  • Jared Phillips
  • Shaquille Phipps
  • Sengphachane Phommavixay
  • Petrel Pickstock
  • Robert Pillow
  • Ashlie Pittman
  • Derek Platt
  • Makatlyn Pledge
  • Jhana Plump
  • Carianne Poindexter
  • DeAundrea Pointer
  • Jawona Polk
  • Melisha Polk
  • Kaitlin Polly
  • Kemissa Polynice
  • Ashley Poole
  • Morgan Porcher
  • Christian Porter
  • Dewana Posely
  • Racia Poston
  • David Potter
  • Taylor Powell
  • Kaia Powell
  • Christian Powell
  • Zachary Powers
  • April Prackett
  • Taylor Presley
  • Brandi Preston
  • Jordan Price
  • Marc Primeau
  • Tyra Prude
  • Darrin Pryor
  • Tyran Pryor
  • Dwight Pullen
  • Andre Purnell

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  • Aliyah Qualls
  • Charis Quarles
  • Tia Quarles
  • Jose Quinones

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  • Patricia Ragin
  • Rudolph Ragnauth
  • Hawree Rahman
  • Silma Rahman
  • Kiara Rainey
  • Sara Raiszadeh
  • Kendra Ralston
  • Austin Randolph
  • Jalen Rawls
  • Jade Ray
  • Kaylee Ray
  • Bria Readus
  • Andre’ Reaves
  • Marcus Reaves
  • Latequia Reed
  • TyQuazsha Reed
  • Jessica Reed
  • Julian Reed
  • Daniel Reed
  • Wesley Reed-Walton
  • Kartavin Reed-Youngblood
  • Jasmine Reese
  • Minx Reichard
  • Caress Reid
  • Glory Reid
  • Jameelah Rejab
  • Carlos Reynolds
  • Jessica Rhea
  • Kristina Rhett
  • Amber Rhodes
  • Donessa Rhodes
  • Callie Rice
  • Shaylyn Rice
  • Kailey Richard
  • Chase Richard
  • China Richardson
  • Erica Richardson
  • Mia Richardson
  • Qunina Richardson
  • Alfred Richie
  • Onika Richmond Hibbler
  • Heather Ridgeway
  • Tyler Ridley
  • Charity Riley
  • Daryl Ritchie
  • Khyiah Riviears
  • Leungelo Robbins
  • Justin Roberson
  • Chanel Roberts
  • Paris Roberts
  • Andrew Roberts
  • Shardai Roberts
  • Preston Roberts
  • Abby Roberts
  • Alexandria Robinson
  • Marques Robinson
  • Melvin Robinson
  • Quanisha Robinson
  • Djuance Robinson
  • Maya Robinson
  • Shakoya Robinson-Lane
  • Carleica Rogers
  • Amy Rogers
  • Denissa Rogers-Giles
  • Tacoshia Rose
  • Kristy Rose
  • Meiosha Roshell
  • Shakanny Ross
  • Kala Ross
  • Courtney Rouse
  • Cierra Rowe
  • Sierra Rozar
  • Arianna Rubi
  • Brianne Rucker
  • Isys Rucker – Peoples
  • Ashley Rudd
  • Caesare Rudolph
  • Erianne Rufus
  • Maya Rumbley
  • Whitney Russell
  • Arlander Rutherford

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  • Romany Sadek
  • Rogina Said
  • Batul Said
  • Keith Sailor
  • Jason Sales
  • Eman Salib
  • Tierra Salton
  • Thomas Samuel
  • Tony Sanchez
  • Felicia Sanders
  • Quaniece Sanders
  • Matthew Sanders
  • William Sanders
  • Christopher Sanders McCollum
  • Lymonic Sanderson
  • Lijah Sanford
  • Hali Sanford
  • Devin Sangster
  • Bayan Sankari
  • Manal Sankari
  • Ryan Sankari
  • Shelby Santee
  • Carmen Santiago-Rivera
  • Maurice Sarden
  • Alejandra Satisfield
  • Zainab Saud
  • Larae Sawyers
  • Fatma Sayd
  • Sakariya Sayid
  • Willetter Scales
  • Janelle Scales
  • Beatrice Scalf
  • Kacey Schmittou
  • Janee Scott
  • Jasmine Scott
  • James Scott
  • Imari Scott-Cheatham
  • Diona Scruggs
  • Victoria Scruggs
  • Lexis Scudder
  • Adina Seabrook
  • Javonta Seals
  • Kavon Seay
  • Asaad Sendi
  • Twoine Sesley
  • Wajdi Shaban
  • Felicia Shaffer
  • Donika Shahini
  • Cordarius Shanklin
  • Bobbi Shanklin
  • Marwa Sharif
  • Amina Sharif
  • Emal Sharif
  • Dejuan Sharp
  • Nicholas Sharpe
  • Ashley Sharpley
  • Sharekia Shaw
  • Shamekia Shaw
  • Jessica Shaw
  • Brittney Shaw
  • Brittany Sheats
  • Chaz Shelton
  • Nojdar Shemssulldin
  • Leah Shepard
  • Danielle Sherman
  • Christopher Sherman
  • Amber Shields
  • Lauren Shields
  • Tayler Shimizu
  • Jasmine Short
  • Tierra Short
  • Charissa Shuttlesworth
  • Derek Sibley
  • Ramie Siler
  • Luzamanty Silkeutsabay
  • Raven Simmons
  • Osha Simmons
  • Roman Simmons
  • Paije Simon
  • Devlyn Simon
  • Caleb Simpkins
  • Shanice Simpson
  • Quienton Simpson
  • Elizabeth Simpson
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  • Pamela Sims
  • Carltel Sims
  • Breunna Sims
  • Jazmyne Singleton
  • Kovan Sinjo
  • Alexandria Smiley
  • Christina Smith
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  • Kevin Smith
  • Latrice Smith
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  • Asia Smith
  • Chrystena Smith
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  • Dashanna Smith
  • Lisa Smith
  • Marasha Smith
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  • Ricki Smith
  • Denzel Smith
  • Kendra Smith
  • Kayla Smith
  • Kayla Smith
  • Mathew Smith
  • Toni Smith
  • Anthony Smith
  • Kadijah Smith
  • Kanisha Smith
  • Laura Smith
  • Joshua Smith-Cooper
  • Ashley Smithson
  • Carsyn Snagg
  • Taylor Sneed
  • Ronahi Sofi
  • Morcos Soliman
  • Susan Solomon
  • Maged Souryal
  • Jordan Southern
  • Brian Spain
  • Lawanda Sparks
  • Matthew Sparks
  • Nzenga Speight
  • Jordan Spencer
  • Jordan Spencer
  • Natalie Spicer
  • DeAsia Spikes
  • Sarah Spillers
  • Shanae St Clair
  • LaChrissa Stanley
  • Elisabeth Stansberry
  • Jonathan Starks
  • Donysha Starks
  • Shelby Starnes
  • Jasmine Staten
  • Lisa Steele
  • Kayla Steele
  • Leah Steele
  • Requel Stegall
  • Amanda Steimle
  • Sierra Stephens
  • Eddie Stephens
  • Kierra Steward
  • CaRynn Stewart
  • JaQuita Stewart
  • Mary Stewart
  • Alexandria Stewart
  • Stephanie Stewart
  • Albany Stewart
  • Anita Stewart
  • Lexis Stewart
  • Najwa Stewart
  • Alexandria Stierman
  • Imani Stingley
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  • Daniel Stout
  • Jasmine Strange
  • Birtha Street
  • Cierra Streeter
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  • Devin Strong
  • Jasmine Stuckey
  • Justin Sueing
  • Anthony Suggs
  • Osamah Sulaihem
  • Noora Sulaiman
  • Staci Sulander
  • Silva Suleyman
  • Tarig Suliman
  • Tasja Sullivan
  • Michael Sutton
  • Anissa Swanson
  • Taylor Swayzer
  • Erin Swims
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  • Shiren Tahir
  • Nijan Tahir
  • Eboni Taliaferro
  • Bianca Talley
  • Alexia Talley
  • Renard Talley
  • Ronald Talley
  • Tina Talley
  • Tabitha Tarau
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  • Henry Tate
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  • Madleen Tawadrous
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  • David Teasley
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  • Aaron Thanasack
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  • Shanel Thomas
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  • Nijon Thomas
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  • Tianna Thornton
  • Aszland Thornton
  • Randall Tillery
  • Joseph Tillman
  • Ram Timilsina
  • Saron Tolossa
  • Telecia Tomlinson
  • Helan Tovi
  • Fener Tovi
  • Armoni Towner
  • Marc Townsend
  • Chelsea Trice
  • William Troutt
  • Marion Tubbs
  • Chelsea Tubbs
  • Charles Tucker
  • Briana Tucker
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  • Katie Valentine
  • Brandon Van Leer
  • James Vaughan
  • Tyernei Vaughn
  • Ryein Vaughn
  • Michelle Vaughn
  • Kayla Vautier
  • Lashaya Vinson
  • Chakara Vinson

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  • Anna Waddell
  • Marvel Wade
  • Anthony Wadsworth
  • Haitham Wafaullah
  • Jared Wagnac
  • Joshua Walden
  • Beneshia Walker
  • Zuri Walker
  • Jameyuh Walker
  • Joseph Wallace
  • Troy Waller
  • Cameron Walls
  • Brie Walsh
  • Jendayi Walters
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  • Sophie Whitaker
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  • Aarin Whitehurst
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  • Lauren Wiggins
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  • Qua Neisha Williams
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  • Symphony Williams
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  • Lydia Woodard
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  • Aaron Woods
  • Jermilton Woods
  • Tia Wooten
  • J’Nay Workings
  • Diamond Wray
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  • Tabetha Wright
  • Kierra Wright
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  • Nawaf Yafaei
  • Livia Yellen
  • Careema Yopp
  • Mya Yorke
  • Youssef Younan
  • Justice Young
  • Byron Young
  • Robert Young
  • Anndrea Young
  • Ashley Young
  • Kelsey Young
  • Mari Yousef
  • Mary Yousef
  • Raian Yousif
  • Demyana Youssef
  • Randa Youssef
  • Kaveen Yunus
  • Vaheen Yunus
  • Harheen Yunus

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  • Mora Zaky
  • Tylar Zanders
  • Eunice Zarbock
  • Bishouy Zekhry

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27 TSU Students Graduate from Newly Formed Nashville Collegiate Citizen Police Academy

Training Discusses Trust, Brutality, Racism and Need for Continued Dialogue

Mayor Carl Dean addresses graduates of the first class of Nashville’s Collegiate Citizen Police Academy, held at Tennessee State University. (Photo by Emmanuel Freeman, TSU Media Relations)

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (TSU News Service) – Graduation came a little early last night for 27 Tennessee State University students …but not from college. The students are part of Nashville’s first class of a newly formed Collegiate Citizen Police Academy organized by the Nashville Metro Police Department.

Mayor Carl Dean, Metro Police Chief Steve Anderson, TSU Police Chief Anthony Carter, and Associate Vice President for Student Affairs, Dr. Michael Freeman, were on hand to congratulate the graduates, who underwent five weeks of learning the intricacies of police work. The training also gave the students the opportunity to discuss trust, issues of brutality and racism with officers.

Before the training, like many in the wake of mounting allegations and suspicions of police abuse targeted at African Americans, 21-year-old Tyler Ellis, held some very strong opinions. But he always wanted to get a behind-the-scene feel of actual police intervention and reaction beyond what is usually portrayed on television.

Tyler Ellis receives his certificate from Metro Police Chief Steve Anderson, and TSU Associate Vice President for Student Affairs Dr. Michael Freeman. The junior Criminal Justice major said the training was an eye-opener for him when it came to actually understanding what police officers face each day. (Photo by Emmanuel Freeman, TSU Media Relations)

“What we usually see is very disturbing,” said Ellis, a junior Criminal Justice major from Waterbury, Connecticut. “In many cases that’s the result, but I like to also understand what the police officer was faced with in the beginning. This training gave us new insights into what officers go through daily, and that what we usually see on television many times changes the perspectives on what actually happened.”

Calling the academy very timely, Mayor Dean thanked TSU President Glenda Glover, and Reverend Frank Stevenson, who came up with the idea of the Collegiate Citizen Police Academy, for allowing the program to take place with TSU students on the campus.

“We hope through this program and many others we have collaborated on, people will know that in Nashville, we have a strong relationship with our institutions,” Dean said. “Nashville is not perfect but it is through programs like this that we can have an honest dialogue about how we move on. This program has made the TSU neighborhood and Nashville a better place.”

Police Chief Anderson described the training as “the kind of dialogue” that has helped Nashville keep away from the kinds of disturbances with police and citizens across the nation.

“We are accountable for one another,” he said. “We are not perfect. This kind of program is so valuable for our community and country.”

As a follow-up to their training, the graduates have been assigned to the various police precincts across the city, where they must complete ride-along duties over the next two months, according to Metro Police Sgt. Mitch Kornberg, who coordinated the training along with Sgt. Raymond Jones.

“These graduates are not police officers and are not given any police duty,” Kornberg said. “The ride-along is an opportunity to work with officers on shifts to give them a better understanding of what officers do. This helps them to see things differently and understand that things are not always what they appear.”

Reverend Frank Stevenson, a local pastor and the director of Strategic Populations in the Office of Student Affairs at TSU, talks to the media about what prompted him to come up with the idea of the Collegiate Citizen Police Academy. (Photo by Emmanuel Freeman, TSU Media Relations)

The idea for the Collegiate Citizen Police Academy is the brainchild of Reverend Stevenson, pastor of St. Luke Primitive Baptist Church and director of Strategic Populations in the Office of Student Affairs.

“I wanted to establish a forum that would bring young black men together with police in the wake of the protests and outrage that stemmed from allegations of racially motivated police brutality in Ferguson, Missouri, New York City and beyond,” Stevenson said.

He joined forces with the Reverend Enoch Fuzz, pastor of Corinthian Missionary Baptist Church to bring the idea to Police Chief Anderson, who right away embraced it and in a few weeks, the academy was underway.

Along with Ellis other graduates included: Nawaf Aldosari, Tevin Cannon, Mark Clear, Jamarius Cooper, Anthony Daniels, Oluwatolin Emonowa, Zach Eskew, Byron Fisher, Haggaikiah Futch, Ryan Gammon and Kadarrious Greene. Also graduating were Jamaul Greenlee, Malik Hayes, Rico Hunt, James Jefferson, David Jenkins, Davis Washington, Jalen Moore, Christopher Penilton, Justin Roberson, James Scott, Vantorius Stewart, Dominique Thomas, Lebron Worthington, Derion Munn and Quiadell Cousin.

Also making remarks at the ceremony were Dr. Freeman, Chief Carter and the Reverend Fuzz.

Department of Media Relations

Tennessee State University
3500 John Merritt Boulevard
Nashville, Tennessee 37209

About Tennessee State University

With more than 9,000 students, Tennessee State University is Nashville’s only public university, and is a comprehensive, urban, co-educational, land-grant university offering 45 undergraduate, 24 graduate and seven doctoral programs. TSU has earned a top 20 ranking for Historically Black Colleges and Universities according to U.S. News and World Report, and rated as one of the top universities in the country by Washington Monthly for social mobility, research and community service. Founded in 1912, Tennessee State University celebrated 100 years in Nashville during 2012. Visit the University online at tnstate.edu.

Tyson Foods CEO Donnie Smith Wows TSU Students on Success, Corporate Culture and Leadership; Discusses Partnership Opportunities with University Officials

Donnie Smith, Tyson Foods President and CEO, speaks to students at TSU on Wednesday. (Photo by Rick DelaHaya, TSU Media Relations)

(TSU News Service) – Developing corporate partnerships and relationships with industry leaders have been at the core of Dr. Glenda Glover’s vision since becoming president of Tennessee State University nearly two years ago.

This has included visits and talks with major corporations and businesses and invitations to their leaders to visit the TSU campus to see the kinds of preparations students are receiving to be ready for the job market.

“This is necessary not just because we want these corporations to give to the University, but it also helps to expose our students to industry’s best as well as offer them opportunities to develop job-ready skills through internships, cooperative assistantships, scholarships and employment opportunities,” Dr. Glover said.

President Glenda Glover and Tyson Foods President and CEO Donnie Smith meet with Tom Joyner Foundation scholarship recipients following the check presentation. From left are, Bria Monk, Tyson CEO Smith, Kourtney Daniels, President Glover and David Conner. (Photo by Rick DelaHaya, TSU Media Relations)

And today, TSU students received a good dose of exposure and lecture on corporate culture and leadership when the President and Chief Executive Officer of Tyson Foods, Inc., a $42 billion, Fortune 500 Arkansas-based company, visited and spent an entire day interacting with students, administrators, faculty and staff on the main campus.

Donnie Smith, whose visit also included the presentation of scholarships to three TSU students, in a partnership with the Tom Joyner Foundation, said his visit was intended to broaden existing relationship with TSU and explore areas in which student preparation in agriculture and science are more aligned with Tyson’s needs.

“We want to continue to build the relationship deeper by developing a streamline of talents that is suited to our company’s needs,” said Smith, who added that about 12 TSU students have interned at Tyson in the last two years, while another was fully employed with the company.

In a meeting earlier in Dr. Glover’s office with senior administration members, President Glover welcomed Smith and his team, which included Holly Bourland, Corporate Recruitment Manager for Professional Employment.

The TSU team emphasized that student preparation remains the main focus of the University, “because TSU wants to have a broad footprint” on industry by putting out students with job-ready skills, and Tyson could be a major partner in that area.

“Our students are involved in cutting-edge research in many areas of agricultural production and food security that could be useful to your company,” Dr. Glover told the Tyson executives.

“We are doing breakthrough research on our campus,” added Dr. Lesia Crompton-Young, chief research officer and associate vice President for Research and Sponsored Programs. “If you see the kinds of research we are involved in you will find that we are doing things that surely correlate with what Tyson’s needs are.”

A visit and tour of the University’s new Agricultural Biotechnology Research Building provided the Tyson visitors a closer look at some of the cutting-edge research the University officials spoke about.

“This visit is a great opportunity for us,” said Dr. Chandra Reddy, dean of the College of Agriculture, Human and Natural Sciences, following a meeting with the Tyson president. “We are trying to connect student and research to corporate needs because we want our research to be relevant to the market needs.”

In a gathering with Business students, the Tyson CEO spoke about corporate leadership, understanding the needs of “team members” (employees), and how to stay ahead of the competition.

“At Tyson we like to win, but for us winning is to make great food and helping those in need,” said Smith, adding that hunger relief is a major part of what Tyson does.

On corporate culture, Smith reminded the student about what he called his five “Is” and three “Rs.”

“To be successful you must have ‘integrity,’ be ‘intelligent,’ ‘innovative,’ have ‘interpersonal skills’ and you must be ‘inspirational.’ To achieve these, you must learn to develop ‘relationships,’ be ‘resilient’ and ‘result’ oriented,” smith said.

At a luncheon with Dr. Glover, along with her Cabinet and deans, the Tyson group saw PowerPoint presentations of offerings and programs in the College of Business, and the College of Engineering.

Prior to the presentations, the Tyson chief executive presented a check for $7,500 to Briar Monk, a senior Agricultural Science major with a 3.65 GPA from Little Rock, Arkansas; Kourtney Daniels, a sophomore Food Biosciences and Technology major with a 4.0 GPA from Chicago; and David Connor, a junior Agricultural Science major with a 3.42 GPA from Birmingham, Alabama.

The money, with each student receiving $2,500, is the result of a partnership between Tyson Foods and the Tom Joyner Foundation called the TScholars Project, to offer scholarships and internship opportunities to selected students majoring in Agriculture and Business at four historically black colleges and universities. The schools, TSU, Florida A&M University, North Carolina A&T State University and the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, were selected because of their proximity to Tyson company facilities.

According to the Interim Director of the Career Development Center at TSU, Tina Reed, each scholarship recipient will receive a summer 2015 internship at Tyson Foods.

Before leaving the TSU campus, the CEO also met with an array of students in different disciplines in Poag Auditorium, where he reiterated his views on corporate culture and leadership.

Other University officials who participated in meetings with the Tyson CEO and his team include: Dr. Mark Hardy, vice president for Academic Affairs; Jean Jackson, vice president for Administration; Cynthia Brooks, vice president for Business and Finance; Dr. John Cade, vice president for Enrollment Management and Student Support Services; Dr. Alisa Mosley, associate vice president for Academic Affairs; Robin Tonya Watson, assistant vice president for Institutional Advancement; Kelli Sharpe, assistant vice president for Public Relations and Communications; Laurence Pendleton, University Counsel; and Dr. Cheryl Green, assistant vice president for Student Affairs.

Also attending today’s meetings were: Dr. Millicent Lownes-Jackson, dean of the College of Business; and Dr. S. Keith Hargrove, dean of the College Engineering.


Department of Media Relations
Tennessee State University
3500 John Merritt Boulevard
Nashville, Tennessee 37209

About Tennessee State University

With nearly 9,000 students, Tennessee State University is Nashville’s only public university, and is a comprehensive, urban, co-educational, land-grant university offering 42 undergraduate, 24 graduate and seven doctoral programs. TSU has earned a top 20 ranking for Historically Black Colleges and Universities according to U.S. News and World Report, and rated as one of the top universities in the country by Washington Monthly for social mobility, research and community service. Founded in 1912, Tennessee State University celebrated 100 years in Nashville during 2012. Visit the University online at tnstate.edu.

TSU Welcomes Colombian Students for Weeklong Musical Activities, Jefferson Street Jazz Festival

The Colombian music students hold one of many daily rehearsals in preparation for their United States visit. Since Colombia is known for its Latin music influences and jazz festivals, one of the major highlights of the group’s visit will be attending the Jefferson Street Jazz Festival on June 21.  (Courtesy photo)

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (TSU News Service)- Eighteen music students from Colombia will visit Tennessee State University June 20 as part of an exchange program with the South American nation.

In partnership with the U.S. Embassy in Bogota, the Colombian capital, and the Office of the Governor in Cartagena, Bolivar Province, the exchange agreement is part of an effort to promote the University and its academic programs.

Joining the students will be the Governor, Juan Carlos Gossain Rognini; Special Assistant to the Governor Amin Diaz; and El Guamo Mayor Javier Eduardo Angula Romero.

The students and delegation will get a taste of the Music City experience during a weeklong itinerary that also includes museum tours and meetings with government officials, among other activities. Since Colombia is known for its Latin music influences and jazz festivals, one of the major highlights of the group’s visit will be attending the Jefferson Street Jazz Festival on June 21.

“Our partnership with Colombia is important because it provides an excellent opportunity for their students as well as TSU students to better understand each group’s culture, share academic interests and engage in dialogue to expand the scope of higher education,” said Dr. Jewell Winn, TSU’s chief diversity officer and executive director for international programs.

In addition, the students will participate in the Edward L. Graves Band Camp June 21-29 to learn the various techniques of marching band performance. In exchange, a select group of TSU marching band students will visit Cartagena to kick off Bolivar’s annual band competition in August and be the first United States marching band to perform in the Flower Festival.



Department of Media Relations
Tennessee State University
3500 John Merritt Boulevard
Nashville, Tennessee 37209


About Tennessee State University

With nearly 9,000 students, Tennessee State University is Nashville’s only public university, and is a comprehensive, urban, co-educational, land-grant university offering 38 undergraduate, 22 graduate and seven doctoral programs. TSU has earned a top 20 ranking for Historically Black Colleges and Universities according to U.S. News and World Report, and rated as one of the top universities in the country by Washington Monthly for social mobility, research and community service. Founded in 1912, Tennessee State University celebrated 100 years in Nashville during 2012. Visit the University online at tnstate.edu.