NASHVILLE, Tenn. (TSU News Service) – Tennessee State University is moving forward with a three-phased plan to upgrade the Code Blue Emergency towers, also known as call boxes, on campus and in parking lots. The call towers are a part of a safety system that is utilized to call TSU Police Department in case of an incident or emergency on campus.
Marlah Green, the Assistant Director of Renovation and Construction for the University, said the upgrades are necessary to continue ensuring campus safety for everyone. “One of the enhancements we are making with the towers … we are putting cameras on them,” Green said. “The towers are important for the safety and security of the students, staff, and visitors to the campus.”

As a part of phase one, the University replaced the cameras located on campus buildings and say several will be equipped with a public address system. Phase two includes replacing call towers in the parking lots surrounding the campus. Green added that “360” cameras, capable of rotating in a full circle, will be placed on these towers.
Currently, there are 26 towers on campus. Phase three of the project will consist of adding at least ten more call boxes.

Dr. Curtis Johnson, associate vice president and chief of staff, said the additional towers will be in locations that provide comprehensive coverage for safety.
“Our plans are to strategically place them where … you can see the blue lights from almost every campus location,” Johnson said. “You will see the towers and know where they are, verses trying to find one at every building.”
Johnson said this has been an ongoing project and reiterated the importance of safety for the students and hope to have the installations complete before homecoming beginning October 2.